A great track played to the imagery of Russian filmmaker Vladimir Kobrin, who applies his avant-garde style to educational science films. Thanks to humoongus.
The cinema I'm engaged in can be called 'psychedelic puppet action,' where the characters-both the live and the lifeless-behave according to the laws of a cosmic theater . . . To my mind, an artist is a person whose mission is to close the space between Earth and the Cosmos. Otherwise he can't be called an artist. That is why I see my task as a film director to consist of wiping off the mirror in which man and mankind as a whole look, and to show that this world (this performance without God, that is, without the point where all our puppet threads come together) is senseless and deserves no sympathy or pity.- Vladimir Kobrin, program notes, "HomoParadoxum V Kobrin," ArtWorkshop