Friday, April 26, 2013

Techno Animal, "Catatonia"

A great track played to the imagery of Russian filmmaker Vladimir Kobrin, who applies his avant-garde style to educational science films. Thanks to humoongus.

The cinema I'm engaged in can be called 'psychedelic puppet action,' where the characters-both the live and the lifeless-behave according to the laws of a cosmic theater . . . To my mind, an artist is a person whose mission is to close the space between Earth and the Cosmos. Otherwise he can't be called an artist. That is why I see my task as a film director to consist of wiping off the mirror in which man and mankind as a whole look, and to show that this world (this performance without God, that is, without the point where all our puppet threads come together) is senseless and deserves no sympathy or pity.- Vladimir Kobrin, program notes, "HomoParadoxum V Kobrin," ArtWorkshop

Monday, April 22, 2013

Interplanetary Interlude #6: Solar Eclipse

There is a serious dearth of Sun Ra covers out there. These are all great, though. (Also check out the MC5 doing "Starship" on Episode 1.)


1. Interplanetary Music- General Strike
2. China Gate- Cul De Sac
3. Nuclear War (Version 2)- Yo La Tengo
4. Rocket #9- NRBQ
5. Nuclear War (Version 4)- Yo La Tengo [Mike Ladd Remix]
6. Rocket #9- The Poetics
7. Nuclear War (Version 3)- Yo La Tengo
8. China Gate (Reprise)- Cul De Sac

Download Interlude #6

Saturday, April 20, 2013

DJ Shadow, "Midnight in a Perfect World"

The moon has set, and the Pleiades; it is midnight, the time is going by and I recline alone.
The sinking moon has left the sky,
The Pleiades have also gone.
Midnight comes--and goes, the hours fly
And solitary still, I lie.

The Moon has left the sky,
Lost is the Pleiads' light;
It is midnight,
And time slips by,
But on my couch alone I lie.


This is thy hour O Soul, thy free flight into the wordless,
Away from books, away from art, the day erased, the lesson done,
Thee fully forth emerging, silent, gazing, pondering the 
themes thou lovest best,
Night, sleep, death and the stars.
-Walt Whitman

Friday, April 19, 2013

Steve Reich, "Music For 18 Musicians"

The minimalist masterpiece. (Whut's minimalism? Why, according to its enemies, it's fascist-consumerist-narcissism. In otherworlds, it's classical music's Rock 'n' Roll. Sayeth the dour serialists: "God indeed does throw dice,/ but never does he ever/ say the same thing twice.") "Dean" Christgau gave it an A minus. Well, one is tempted to hedge a bit with such a reputation on the line. On the other hand . . . 

Swans, "No Words, No Thoughts"

Swans. The Swans. The Fucking Swans. The Motherfucking Swans. The Holy Motherfucking Swans.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Bonobo, "Cirrus"

I'm pretty much a novice in the DJ/electronica world, but I've been digging the artists Ninja Tune puts out. This song is not mind-blowing, only quite pleasant. But this video . . .

Friday, April 12, 2013

Buffy Sainte-Marie, "God is Alive Magic is Afoot"

Lyrics by Leonard Cohen, from Beautiful Losers. "Cohen" means priest. "Sainte-Maire" is French for, of course, Saint Mary. Hat-tip to Space Cadet Anni.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Interplanetary Interlude #5: Existential Epistles


1. Freedom- King Coleman
2. The Swedish Nada- The Fugs
3. Next to Nothing- Savage Republic
4. Being is More Than Life- Baby Grandmothers
5. Franz Kafka- The Prefab Messiahs
6. Requiem for Martin Heidegger- Panic
7. Killing an Arab- The Cure
8. The Truth is What We Make of It- The Agrarians
9. Nausea- X
10. Boredom- The Buzzcocks
11. You and I- Silver Apples
12. Forge Your Own Chains- D.R. Hooker
13. You're Gonna Die- Destroy All Monsters
14. The Angel of Death- Hank Williams

Download Interlude #5!

Hawkwind & Stacia

Stone-cold classic space-rock with Stacia. And yes, Lemmy from Motorhead.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Black Pus, "Hear No Evil"

Via Pitchfork. We're riding the tail of the zeigeist, baby! I think neo-psychedelic rock is one of the biggest games in town. At any rate, one of the best.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Seeds, "Pushin' Too Hard"

Everything about this is hilarious. A caveat: you shouldn't push too hard if you're gassy.

The Sound of the Silence of Sounds

Personally, I like sounds that talk to me, sounds that are in love with each other, as well as the sounds that don't mean anything (or at least don't mean to mean anything). Artists often have to choose (or think they have to) but we listeners do not, and thank god for that.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Demon's Claws, "Fed from Her Hand"

This video . . . well, it's not really what I pictured when I heard the song. The uploader is from guess where? Hungary! Ha ha! Get it?

Don't eat lions, folks. That is not what they are for, and the meat tastes bad.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Episode #16: Cosmic Chaos: The Music of Uqbar


1. Heliocentric- Sun Ra
2. Imaginary Landscape- John Cage
3. Variations on a Mexican Flute- Pierre Schaeffer
4. Piece for a Tape Recorder- Vladimir Ussachevsky
5. Agricultural Em Crateras- Hronir
6. Flotenmenschen 2- Dom
7. James- Cluster
8. Tides of Manaunaun- Henry Cowell
9. 4 (glagolitico)- Catasto Elettrico
10. Incantation- Otto Luening & Vladimir Ussachevsky
11. Womb of My Mind- Szbuta Soroh
12. Pfigstoratorium (Spiritus Intelligentiae Sanctus)- Ernst Krenek
13. Fantasy in Space- Otto Luening
14. Untitled- Blank Realm
15. Dogstar Regions Episodes 1, 3, 5 &7- R.S.P. (Radigast Space Project featuring Heartfieldjohnny)
16. Arnold School 1- The Mighty Acts of God
17. Cosmic Chaos- Sun Ra

Download Episode 16!

Hand-Rolled Oblivion (Various Artists [mymwly]) / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0