Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Stanley Kubrick's Diaries

The other day I watched 2001: A Space Odyssey for the first time in years. This, more than any other film, opened my eyes and my mind to the possibilities of the medium. I've often cited it as my favorite movie, but I've only seen it a handful of times. At any rate, I've gotten back into Kubrick in a big way. In fact, last week I had a dream that Kubrick was driving me in a truck at high speed down a highway at night and demanding that I play all of my cassettes. Then I decided to make this little tribute video using the song "Stanley Kubrick's Diaries" by the German postpunk band Janitors of Lunacy.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Not Coming to a Theatre Near You

I haven't seen any of these movies. But I love the trailers. Good music, good editing, freakish imagery.

Manly P. Hall on Pythagoras and the Music of the Spheres

Having once established music as an exact science, Pythagoras applied his newly found law of harmonic intervals to all the phenomena of Nature, even going so far as to demonstrate the harmonic relationship of the planets, constellations, and elements to each other. A notable example of modern corroboration of ancient philosophical teaching is that of the progression of the elements according to harmonic rations. While making a list of the elements in the ascending order of their atomic weights, John A. Newlands discovered at every eighth element a distinct repetition of properties. This discovery is known as the law of octaves in modern chemistry.

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It is probable that the Pythagoreans recognized a connection between the Seven Greek modes and the planets. As an example, Pliny declares that Saturn moves in the Dorian mode and Jupiter in the Phrygian mode. It is also apparent that the temperaments are keyed to the various modes, and the passions likewise. Thus, anger (which is a fiery passion) may be accentuated by a fiery mode or its power neutralized by a watery mode.

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Pythagoras conceived the universe to be an immense monochord, with its single string connected at its upper end to absolute spirit and its lower end to absolute matter- in other words, a cord stretched between heaven and earth.

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Many early instruments had seven strings, and it is generally conceded that Pythagoras was the one who added the eighth string to the lyre of Terpander. The seven strings were always related both to their correspondences on the human body and to the planets. The names of God were also conceived to be formed from combinations of the seven planetary harmonies. The Egyptians confirmed their sacred songs to the seven primary sounds, forbidding any others to be uttered in their temples. One of their hymns contained the following invocation: "The seven sounding tones praise Thee, the Great God, the ceaseless working Father of the whole universe." In another the Deity describes Himself thus: "I am the great indestructible lyre of the whole world, attuning the songs of the heavens."

The Pythagoreans believed that everything which existed had a voice and that all creatures were eternally singing the praise of the Creator. Man fails to hear these divine melodies because his soul is enmeshed in the illusion of material existence. When he liberates himself from the bondage of the lower world with its sense limitations, the music of the spheres will again be audible as it was in the Golden Age. Harmony recognizes harmony, and when the human soul regains its true estate it will not only hear the celestial choir but also join with it in an everlasting anthem of praise to that Eternal Good controlling the infinite number of parts and conditions of Being.

-from The Secret Teachings of All Ages

Karlheinz Stockhausen: Stimmung

From Wikipedia:

"The German word stimmung has several meanings, including 'tuning' and 'mood.' The word is the noun formed from the verb stimmen, which means 'to harmonize, to be correct,' and related to stimme (voice). The primary sense of the title 'implies not only the outward tuning of the voices or instruments, but also the inward tuning of one's soul'."

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Crispin Glover: Clowny Clown Clown

Sure, we all feel an immense aggressive impulse towards clowns. But this boy jus' ain' right.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Ravi Shankar: Chants of India

Ravi Shankar died in December, and Interplanetary Music neglected to memorialize him. There's a very good reason for this, which is that I am not that familiar with his music beyond his appearances at Woodstock and Monterey Pop. I recently decided to atone for my neglect, and whaddayaknow but the very first album I chose to listen to was a straight muthafuckin' fucking killer. Chants of India, produced by the Mr. Bangladesh-slummin' "Quiet Beatle" George himself (my first girlfriend, who initiated me into the endless mystery of the Beatles, was a Georgie-girl, apparently attracted to such taciturn spirituality, making me wonder what she was doing with a wiseass atheist (a John) like me (the hair, clearly)), is surprisingly minimal, given Shankar's reputuation as a shredding virtuoso, as well as the variety of instruments employed here. In fine, this album has given me a reason to live for the past few days. Take that as a recommendation.

It sounds like like life. It sounds like death. It sounds like some incomprehensible third thing. Oh India, please whisper your wisdom into my ear so that I may breathe it out of my mouth.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Sky is Falling

This is not music related. It just needs to be seen. The meteorite that crashed in Russia on Friday morning (hat tip to Space Cadet Joe):

Friday, February 15, 2013

That's My Bag: Kewl Music People Buying Kewl Music

Ok, music nerds, it's test time:

1. How much do you want to know what the people you listen to like to listen to?
2. Have you heard or heard of all of these artists?

Let's do this.

First up, Yo La Tengo. You definitely want to know what records they buy, right? Ira: Two words in compilation records are go-to words: "psychedelic" & "boogaloo." No doubt. Interplanetary Music is now definitely interested in Mary Halvorson. That shits sounds like my bag for sure.

Next, Lee Renaldo, the George Harrison of Sonic Youth. Like I'm supposed to believe he needs to buy a copy of No New York?

Johnny Marr. Now, I have to say I've never been very into the Smiths (I prefer Joy Division and the early Cure as far as that mopey 80's stuff goes). Nevertheless, Marr's selections show him to be a man after my own heart. Morricone, McLaughlin, Wire, Emerson, Huxley: I likes it!

J.G. Thirwell. I have to admit, he's putting all kinds of shame in my game. I've heard very few of these artists, and he's definitely making me want to get more experimental. A balls-to-the-wall avant-garde Interplanetary episode is in the works, space friends!

Questlove, featuring His Hair Pick. Rick James, Jackson 5, uh huh. Todd Solondz? Takashi Miike? And who wouldn't want to hear Rick James' Pet Sounds?

The Meat Puppets, one of my favorite bands, and coincidentally they've bought the most music by artists played on Interplanetary Music. Ligeti! The Fall! The Boredoms!

DJ Bonebrake, drummer for X. My favorite of his picks is Red Norvo (Vibes, Xylophone, Marimba). I discovered Red by going through the substantial Jazz section of the SLC city library.

The Slits, fantastic reggae-influenced British postpunk band. I love all their choices. Kudos to singer Ari Up for saying that Hole ripped them off. Also I think the drummer is really cute.

DJ Qbert likes trippy shit, especially anything space-related. Nuff said.

I don't like Oasis. I'm posting this one for two reasons: 1. Noel Gallagher is about to discover how amazing David Axelrod is. 2. That Can anthology he's buying is not a good one. It has edits of "Halleluwah" and "Mother Sky." It cuts out the drum solo in the latter. These are epochal, life-changing songs. You don't want an edited version of them.

Cat Power likes her music soulful. No surprise there.

Henry Rollins. That Jokers album looks pretty sweet. Iranian heavy psych: gimmie gimmie gimme!

Acid Mothers Temple buy exotic music. On cassette.

Afrika Bambaataa. I love what he has to say about radio.

Now, if there's a series like this for books, someone let me know.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Nature Intended The Abstract for you and me

It's nice to hear you're
having a good time
But it still hurts cause you used to be mine
This doesn't mean that I possessed you
You're haunting me because I let you 

Shape up your body "Let's be a tree"
Visual dynamics for you to see
Nature intended the abstract
for you and me 

No rain outside but tears in my eyes
Out on the rooftop for a surprise
Call you at teatime
In off the street
Sit down at table, Mummy is neat

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Interplanetary Interlude #2: Songs About Fucking

Hey everyone, it's an Interplanetary Valentine's Day episode! For all of you who aren't getting laid this year, and for you weirdos who want to listen to crazy porno rock while you're getting laid, here's a batch of songs about fucking (nod to Big Black). The following is vulgar, sleazy, juvenile, too weird to be erotic, objectifies women, and doesn't make men look too great either. Is it satirical? Is it anti-love and pro sex? Is it slyly anti-sex, betraying a Swiftian horror of the human body? You be the judge! Remember kids, pussy stinks, but so does marijuana. 


1. Don't Fuck Around with Love- The Blenders
2. Little Girl- John & Jackie
3. Slip It In- Black Flag
4. Tastebuds- The King Khan & BBQ Show
5. I Love It- Zeno Tornado
6. Come Together- MC5
7. Hot Freaks- Guided By Voices
8. Personal Blowjob- Sun City Girls
9. Under the Wires- The Cramps
10. Love Comes in Spurts- Richard Hell & the Voidoids
11. Adult Books- X
12. Premarital Sex- Daniel Johnston
13. Pussy Stank- Andre Williams
14. Shake That Thing- Hasil Adkins
15. Full Grown- The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion
16. Fuckin' in the Butt- David Allan Coe
17. Je T'aime . . . Moi Non Plus- Jane Birkin & Serge Gainsbourg
18. Halfway to a Threeway- Jim O'Rourke

Monday, February 11, 2013

Beauty in Midwinter

One must have a mind of winter
To regard the frost and the boughs
Of the pine-trees crusted with snow;

And have been cold a long time
To behold the junipers shagged with ice,
The spruces rough in the distant glitter

Of the January sun; and not to think 
Of any misery in the sound of the wind,
In the sound of a few leaves,

Which is the sound of the land
Full of the same wind
That is blowing in the same bare place

For the listener, who listens in the snow,
And, nothing himself, beholds
Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is.
-Wallace Stevens, "The Snow Man"

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Episode #15: Music From an Unrealizable Film Script: The Olivia Tremor Control


1. Memories of Jacqueline 1906
2. Tropical Bells
3. Can You Come Down With Us?
4. A Sunshine Fix
5. Love Athena
6. Jumping Fences
7. Define a Transparent Dream
8. Gypsum Oil Field Fire
9. Fireplace
10. The Giant Day
11. The Giant Day (Dusk)
12. The Opera House
13. Frosted Ambassador
14. The Gravity Car
15. Green Typewriters I
16. Green Typewriters IV
17. Green Typewriters V
18. Green Typewriters VI
19. Green Typewriters VII
20. Green Typewriters VIII
21. Green Typewriters IX
22. Opening
23. European Son
24. Hideaway
25. Black Foliage (Animation 1)
26. Combinations 2
27. The Sky is a Harpsichord Canvas
28. A Sleepy Company
29. Grass Canons
30. I Have Been Floated
31. Black Foliage (Animation 3)
31. Black Foliage (Itself)
32. Black Foliage (Animation 4)
33. California Demise, Part 3
34. Looking for Quiet Seeds
35. Black Foliage (Animation 5)

Download Episode 15!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

2 Metal Covers of the Band With the Least Metal Name Ever

The early, psychedelic Barrett-era, no less.

This video kinda sucks, but it's a decent cover. Hat tip to Requiem Metal.